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Conference 2015

15-18 June 2015
San Francisco, California


Some introduction about the conference

Whether you are looking for a high-level feature overview or seeking a more detailed discussion, the 2015 Conference Agenda offers something valuable for everyone. The agenda includes more Hands-on and Ask the Expert personalized sessions, as well as a large variety of educational sessions for all of the Logos solutions.
Additionally, there will be a series of labs allowing you to explore new software and enhancements and learn how to get more out of the programs you use today.


The conference partners, dont forget it


There are over 120 Educational Sessions to choose from for Finance, HR, Utility Management, Community Development, Technology & Executive topics.


New World’s software during hands-on lab sessions. This is your chance to get questions answered, learn new functionality and actually use new features and software.


A great opportunity to meet with your Customer Care Represenstative and New World Solution Consultants to discuss new product information, software releases, and user group coordination.

ask the expert

This support lab will be set up with stations and experts to help you answer quick questions that may require hands-on help with the software.


Meet with greaters


Shortest way to explore what will happen
09:00 - 16:00

Covered Bridges of New Hampshire

The bridges we will be driving over are: County Farm Bridge (2 lanes) Carlton/Whitcomb Bridge Thompson/West Swanzey Bridge Cresson/Sawyers Crossing Bridge Slate Bridge Coombs Bridge Ashuelot Bridge (I think this is the best looking bridge out of all of them) Lunch will probably be at Pub Restaurant 131 Winchester ...


Get an idea of what happens at the conference


Buy your ticket and register

Fall for New England 2 – Driver

Single person ticket
Welcome Reception
Breakfast each day
Drives and tours
Banquet on final event night
* your tickets will come to your mails

Fall for New England 2 – Driver and Passenger

Two person ticket
Welcome Reception
Breakfast each day
Drives and tours
Banquet on final event night
* your tickets will come to your mails

FFNE2 Palmer Motorsports Park Track Driver

* your tickets will come to your mails

Fall for New England 2 – Navigator

Single person ticket
Welcome Reception
Breakfast each day
Drives and tours
Banquet on final event night
* your tickets will come to your mails


Travel & Hotels information